Good women. They are nowhere to be found. They were either born to remain beyond reach, or – and this is even more probable – they were not born at all. I know for sure I am not one of the good ones. Another thing that I do know is that there is a frightening… Continuă lectura WATCH ME FAILING


(To be read by men only) Worthless things seem to gain in value once they enter the area of a woman’s interest. If it’s about the lamest man alive or about a Louis Vuitton replica purse, women love to make the worthless seem praiseworthy and the other way around. Nothing excites her more than making… Continuă lectura MONKEY-BUSINESS

The Valentine’s in the details

Throughout centuries and millennia, so many imposing, memorable things were done for women! Wars, castles, cities, poems, novels, church reforms, pop songs. What have women done (for men), in return? Everything that was left to do: They wrote in their hearts every single man’s unwritten biography, they recorded and indexed in their detail-oriented minds every single picture… Continuă lectura The Valentine’s in the details