Nu va avea succes, ne anunță cu mare siguranță de sine creatoarea de modă LCK. „Recent, am văzut mai multe încercări de ridiculizarea a luptei anticorupţie, pentru ca această să pară nesemnificativă. Şi care este problema dacă eşti anchetat de procurori? Este la modă să fii anchetat de DNA. Este adevărat că uneori aceste atacuri sunt lansate… Continuă lectura Articol de fashion. Lupta de discreditare a modei.
Etichetă: fashion
The Good, The Bad and The Girls
There is something incredibly witty about the „good fashion” and something incredibly stupid about the „bad” one. Fashion is either unbelievable or unbearable. Fashion is either an intimidatingly impressive experience or a true emotional ordeal to go through. There is no such thing like „reasonable” fashion. „Reasonable” fashion is not fashion but a minimal condition… Continuă lectura The Good, The Bad and The Girls
What Goes Around Comes Around
A couple of weeks ago I bought my first pair of leather pants in 17 years. Behind the curtain in the changing room, I felt strange, almost like I was tricking myself into believing I am not ridiculous. By the time I am 50 I will probably be looking for my very last pair of… Continuă lectura What Goes Around Comes Around