foto: Nae Lăzărescu și Gigel Știrbu
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Grumpy si Kardashian
Asta-i buna: Guvernul isi face ONG!
(Fundatia Proiect Ferentari, ceva cu fonduri europene pentru romi).
Parlamentul Romaniei, desemnat „Persoana Anului 2013” la categoria Crima Organizata si Coruptie
Daca nu ma insel e primul trofeu international al Parlamentului Romaniei.
Deh, exceptionalismul coruptiei la romani (vorba lui Severin)…
Traficantul de droguri Darko Saric (Serbia) si fiica presedintelui Uzbekistanului, Gulnara Karimova au primit (doar) mentiuni.
Cel mai potrivit citat pentru a descrie situatia ar fi cel al lui Jonas Salk: „The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more”.
De pe Facebook:
Mos Craciun vine la copiii din Somalia :
– De ce sunteti asa de slabi , dragii Mosului ?
– Pai daca nu mancam …
– Ei, cine nu mananca nu primeste nici cadouri!
Eu îl ştiam altfel, că dacă bate vîntul, copiii din Somalia se duc la Moş Crăciun.
La Auckland e seară, e 8 fără 20, copiii se uită la leca noșci deța.
For so many years, their service was largely forgotten.
In the midst of World War II, with legions of male pilots overseas, the 1,102 young women comprising the Women Airforce Service Pilots flew more than 60 million miles domestically, test-flew repaired military aircraft and ferried non-flying male military officers around the country.
But as the war neared its end and the men returned, their program was disbanded.
Nearly 70 years later, with millions of people watching, their service will be celebrated in grand style with a float in the 125th Rose Parade on Jan. 1.,0,1569145.story#ixzz2oJ9C36ny
A chance encounter with a television news reporter for an on-air segment in East Oakland has led to a homeless man being reunited with his former bandmate — Carlos Santana.,0,1691386.story
John S.D. Eisenhower, a soldier, diplomat and acclaimed historian who was the only surviving son of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, died Dec. 21 at his home in Trappe, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He was 91.
Plecat prematur cu sorcova.
MN e plecat permanent cu sorcova.