Offtopice – 24 iulie 2013

foto: suebii, pe vremea cînd încă nu o născuseră pe Angela Merkel

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Spain high-speed train crashes near Santiago de Compostela – Euronews (Bleen, 23:18:44)


‘CUBICLE GUY’ PHOTOBOMBS WEINERS – Breitbart (Bleen, 22:05:13)


Tomac: Ponta să-l demită pe Teodorovici „pentru grave prejudicii aduse demnităţii României” – Mediafax (Bleen, 20:36:22)


Cluj – Tânărul care a luat bacalaureatul deşi suferă de sindromul Down, premiat de Boc: „Am învăţat foarte mult, nimic nu se face fără muncă” – Mediafax (Bleen, 16:27:56)


Nu poți face lucruri mari cu oameni mici – Elena Udrea, Facebook (Bleen, 15:41:32)


Eurobarometru: Peste două treimi din români nu au încredere în Guvern – Gândul (Bleen, 10:32:55)


Expoziţie: Ceramica de Cucuteni, unică în Europa. Obiecte vechi de peste 5000 de ani pot fi admirate la Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti – DIGI24 (Bleen, 10:13:58)


Eugen Tomac: „România nu se încheie la Prut“ – Kamikaze (Bleen, 02:01:34)


Cristian Preda nu se înscrie în Partidul Mişcarea Populară, dar rămâne în cadrul fundaţiei – RTV (Bleen, 01:56:47)


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De Blogary

Unul dintre cele mai influente bloguri de dreapta, lansat în 4 ianuarie 2010. Scriu la Blogary: Florina Neghină, Claudiu Băcanu, Horațiu Coman, Dragoș Paul Aligică, Alexandru Hâncu, Răzvan Cucui,

36 de comentarii

  1. E o mică problemă. Declarația îi aparține lui Marian Preda, nu lui Eugen Tomac. Tăpălagă le încurcă rău de tot de cîteva zile. Ba Mișcarea Populară nu strînsese semnăturile, ba trebuia să fie înregistrată cu 6 luni înainte de alegeri, altfel nu putea candida, acum declarațiile lui Marian Preda sînt atribuite lui Tomac. 
    Dan Tapalaga
    ”Eugen Tomac, presedintele interimar al Miscarii Populare: „Probabil, doamna Udrea a avut o oglindă fermecată în care a întrebat: oglindă, oglinjoară care e cel mai frumos partid de dreapta din ţară? Şi cum i s-a spus că nu e PDL, a anunţat că a apărut un alt partid care probabil va fi cel mai important partid de centru-dreapta din România.”
    Sigur are. Problema e de ce i se da mai departe voie sa o intrebe chestii care o cam depasesc. Ca in ritmul asta risca sa faca tandari oglinda-oglinjoara.”
    Și sînt convins că vom afla tot felul de chestii nașpa despre Tomac, basarabeni, unire, naționaliști, feudaliști, populari, reacționari, dark ageri și băsiști. Aia cu coabitarea s-a fumat, acum Tomac va deveni un basarabean ultranaționalist care va declanșa al 3 lea război mondial și va fi dat în gît la Consiliul Discriminării.

    1. Și încă una.
      E foarte simplu. Boc nu e un fitecine în PDL și nu poate pleca țac pac. Nimeni, niciodată, nu va avea nici curajul și nici interesul să-l excludă din partid. Iar dacă își dă demisia, pierde funcția de primar. Și ar fi cam urît din partea lui, în condițiile în care i-a mai părăsit o dată pe clujeni (cînd a venit premier la București). Trucul ”Mircea Andrei” nu merge, fiindcă Boc, la anvergura, responsabilitatea și imaginea lui, nu-și poate permite astfel de chestii (nu le-a făcut niciodată). Și cine a zis că rămîne cu Vasile Blaga?
      Dan Tapalaga shared a link.
      11 hours ago
      Plecarea lui Emil Boc din PDL ar da tonul plecarii multor primari in Miscarea Populara. Deocamdata primarul Clujului ramane cu Vasile Blaga. Oare de ce?

  2. La Victoria 2, Life Needs sînt reprezentate de un pahar de apă, Everyday Needs sînt reprezentate de o halbă de bere iar Luxury Needs de un pahar de vin.

  3. Mă duc să-mi fut un ciocan peste dește. Sau chiar o teslă.
    Marian Preda
    De câteva zile, premierul CO(t)CO tot atacă Mișcarea Populară.
    COpilotul , omul care și-a COpiat teza de doctorat, COmentează pe la televiziuni dar nu guvernează, COmunică deși nu are ce, COmplotează, COabitează, COncediază mii de oameni, COlportează informații false, COnfundă tipurile de reactoare nucleare, își COrectează mereu promisiunile neîndeplinite, cu alte cuvinte, premierul CO(t)CO se comportă ca o găină care COtcodăcește dar nu face ouă, face doar mărgelușe pe/de sticlă.

  4. Wow! Ăsta chiar e de jucat (Victoria 2 (2010) + Victoria 2: A House Divided (2012) + Victoria 2: A Heart of Darkness (2013))
    Acțiunea se întîmplă în timp real (day by day), timp de o sută de ani, din 1836 pînă în 1936.
    A “POP” is a Population grouping – a group of people with common Culture and Religion who share the same job. The POP is a unit of management, used to specify who these people are and what their characteristics are. A POP can Migrate, become Employed (or Unemployed!), purchase Goods, etc. They have opinions and preferences, and if they aren’t satisfied, they can let you know about it!
    Each POP has characteristics that make it different from other POPs in their Province. These include what “type” they are (Farmer, Clergy, etc.), what Nationality, what Religion, their Ideology, their Issues of concern, and how they will Vote. Each POP will grow or shrink in Population, according to their conditions. They also may, depending on conditions, Promote to become something new and different – another POP type. Since each POP still represents a large number of people, they may have separate interests and even different Ideologies represented. They may have different Issue positions. These differences are shown in the Population Interface, and more specifically in the individual data you see if you double-click on the POP itself.
    Those POPs which have a special function, such as Clerks and Bureaucrats, must be of the correct National Culture in order to contribute their talents.
    SOLDIERS – This is the POP Type you use to raise new armies. If you don’t have enough Soldiers, you need to raise Military spending enough to encourage more Recruits, then you can use them to build more Regiments. They receive pay through the Military spending slider. Unlike in the original Victoria, each Soldier POP is directly linked to the units Recruited from it. If the POP goes into Revolt, so does the Regiment. If the Regiment takes casualties from combat, the POP loses Population too.
    SLAVES – These are POPs who are not citizens, can never Vote, don’t earn Money, and are not in your country voluntarily. At some point, you may be able to free your Slaves so they become Farmers or Labourers, however while they remain Slaves they will work your RGOs at reduced efficiency. By the start of the game, only a few countries have Slaves, most countries having already freed theirs.
    OFFICERS – Officers are like Soldiers, except that instead of providing men to allow you to raise armies or navies, they provide the leadership points you need to raise Generals and Admirals. Like Soldiers, they are paid through the Military spending slider.
    LABOURERS – These POPs operate many of the Resource Gathering Operations (RGOs) – your mines, timber farms, etc. They are paid a portion of the Money gained by Trading these Goods.
    FARMERS – Farmers operate your RGOs which are livestock- or crop-related – cattle, wheat, sheep, etc. They get paid by selling their Goods.
    CRAFTSMEN – These are skilled workers who work in Factories. They are not as well educated, and so they do not provide bonuses as Clerks do. They are paid by the Factory a portion of the profits.
    CLERKS – This is the educated working class citizen, employed in Factories in a smaller ratio to Craftsmen. They will add to the efficiency of the Factory, and also contribute Research Points. The are paid a portion of the Factory profits.
    CLERGY – These are the Religious leaders of your Population, and also the Educators. They contribute to the Literacy of your Population, and also reduce the Consciousness of POPs so they don’t get too restless. Clergy also produce Research Points. They are paid through the Education slider of your Budget.
    BUREAUCRATS– This is a class of POP which helps run your Government. They collect Taxes and contribute to the Administrative Efficiency in a Province. In Absolute Monarchies, Aristocrats assist them. Bureaucrats are paid by the Government’s Administrative slider, from the Budget.
    ARISTOCRATS – These are the noble-born upper class of your society. They operate RGOs on land that they own, and may also serve an administrative role (Administrative Efficiency) in certain types of Government. Aristocrats are less effective than Bureaucrats at improving Administrative Efficiency. They are not paid by the Government, but rather by the profits of their RGOs.
    CAPITALISTS – These are POPs who have enough Money (you hope!) to build private projects, like Railroads, or Factories. In some forms of Government, that’s the only way a Factory gets built! They make money from the profit of selling Goods from their Factories, and they may re-invest their profits into other Factories, or may invest in the National Bank. The more Capitalists exist in a State where Factories are operating, the lower the cost of the Input Goods which the Factory needs.
    ARTISANS – This is a special class of POP, new to Victoria 2. They represent the small shopkeepers and entrepreneurs who use their own Money and initiative to build lesser quantities of Goods. Maybe they build aeroplanes in their barn, or hand-sew luxury clothing by their fireplace. They travel to a marketplace to sell what they’ve made. In time, Factories will probably replace these Artisans, but they’re smart enough to find something else that will make a profit. They earn money from the sale of their Goods.

      A POP needs to earn Money to live, because they must purchase the Goods they require to meet their basic needs. They receive something of value in return for their work, or their ownership of land or the means of production. Most POPs are paid through the products of their work. Farmers receive Money from the food they grow. Craftsmen, Clerks, etc. are paid wages for their labor. Aristocrats earn Money through profits from their RGOs, and can earn Money from rents because they own the land. Several types of POP are paid by the State itself, using Tax revenues through the Budget.
      POPs have Needs for Goods which access to Money permits them to buy (and thereby they support the supply & demand economy). These needs are divided into categories – Life Needs, Everyday Needs and Luxury Needs. A POP must have its Life Needs met (i.e. must have enough Money to buy them, and there must be a supply to buy) or else he may eventually die (the numbers of people in the POP will gradually reduce). His Everyday Needs must be met, or he will be unhappy. Luxuries allow the POP to remain mostly satisfied.
      POPs without their Needs being met will become more Militant over time. They can also Devolve. POPs may change into a different type of POP or Emigrate in order to find a better life where more of their Needs will be met.
      POPs must have at least some of their Life Needs met in order to grow naturally – their natural Population Growth. The more Needs are met, the faster they will grow. They may also be able to Promote. A POP must be in a Province with Liferating of 30 or above in order to grow.
      Having all of their Luxury Needs met (i.e. they have enough Money to buy them) will allow POPs to save up Money. This will cause POPs to remain satisfied in most cases, as they don’t want to rock the boat that’s carrying them in such style. They will also be able to invest their excess Money in National Banks.
      POPs need Money to buy Goods to meet their Needs. POPs get Money from jobs, and if
      the jobs aren’t there…. 
      POPs without jobs must make do, but they will begin to suffer if they go too long Unemployed. They may try to Migrate or Emigrate/Immigrate to a State where jobs exist. Otherwise, they may Devolve, or they may Promote. Unemployed POPs, or POPs which cannot meet their Needs will also increase in Militancy.
      If you have instituted Unemployment Pay as a Reform, then this will provide some Money to the Unemployed POPs so they don’t have to go entirely without Money to buy things.
      A POP which remains very unsatisfied for a long period of time, because they’re Unemployed, or can not buy Goods to meet their Needs, etc., may Devolve – i.e. lose Population.
      One of the things the Victoria franchise is famous for is “POP Promotion” – poor or less
      sophisticated POPs becoming something more. In the original Victoria game, this was
      a manual process where the player would have to choose which POPs could be Promoted, would supply them, then click the trigger. Now, to make things easier and more realistic, this process has been automated. 
      The previous process was very labor-intensive for the player, especially in large empires (and who doesn’t have a large empire after a few decades, right?). But also, the player no longer “supplies” the POPs with resources – they earn Money to buy Goods for themselves! So POP Promotion becomes something they do for themselves, too. 
      The player can influence POP Promotion by making sure economic conditions are good, so the POPs become happy and ambitious. They may also encourage Promotion by setting a National Focus where you want POPs to Promote. A higher level of Consciousness helps make them more likely to Promote.
      If they don’t know there’s something better to aspire to (i.e. low Consciousness) they’re not going to try to improve their situation. POPs of a lower class who earn enough Money that they can maintain Money in their savings can Promote to become higher class POPs. 
      POPs do not have to be Capitalists to invest Money in the National Bank, but it’s more likely a Capitalist will. Literacy is a positive factor in how likely a POP is to want to Promote into a higher level POP like Clergy or Bureaucrat.
      POPs have mobility – they can move from one Factory to another, or from one Province to another. Usually, when they move to another province (or even to another country) they are looking for work in a Factory or RGO which will allow them a better life than where they were before. POPs with low Consciousness will be less likely to Emigrate to another country.

      During this period of history, the concept of a “nation” (a group of people with a common Language and/or culture) really started to displace feudal loyalties and really take hold in the population at large.
      Therefore, Victoria 2 models Language and Culture Groups, and the associated benefits and troubles they can bring with them.
      Every country has at least one primary National Culture. More may be added, over
      time, as more Cultures become Assimilated. Depending on the Citizenship Policy of the
      Government, it’s possible that only National Culture POPs may Vote in Elections. POPs
      not of the National Culture will not feel as welcome in the country, and may have higher Militancy and reduced efficiency. Portions of the Population may Assimilate into the National Culture Group. 
      If a POP of that type exists (National Culture, same POP type, same Religion), Population from a non-Culture POP may gradually shift into the National Culture POP. Culture Groups can also have an attached “Tag,” which can allow them to Revolt and/or form their own country under the right circumstances. This Tag represents either separatists or unionists – one way or another, they want to form their own country with other POPs of similar Culture.
      An Ideology is the character of a POP’s political interests. In some ways, this is their
      worldview – how they see the world and think it works will influence how they interact
      with it, and what they will work toward.
      There are seven Ideologies, each with subgroups (listed in parentheses):
      REACTIONARY – Wanting a return to more traditional times and policies, willing to undo (i.e. remove or roll back) Social or Political Reforms. They will never support Reform for any reason. In times of low Militancy, they will join a Coalition with the Conservatives.
      CONSERVATIVE – Generally happy with the way things are, not wanting a lot of change. Very traditional, supportive of the existing government and policies. Conservatives always oppose Reform when the people are happy. However, when POPs are Militant, Conservatives could go either way (in fact they generally split their opinions). Some will support Political or Social Reforms in order to prevent Revolution, others will dig in their heels like Reactionaries. In times of low Militancy, they will join a Coalition with the Reactionaries.
      SOCIALIST – They always support expansion of Social Reforms, but are generally opposed to Political Reforms unless Militancy is high. In times of low Militancy, they will join a Coalition with the Communists.
      COMMUNIST – Communists always push for the expansion of Social Reform, but
      they never support Political Reforms, and will actually revoke them, because they are
      authoritarian in nature. In times of low Militancy, they will join a Coalition with the
      FASCIST – Fascists oppose any Political or Social Reform unless they are in power. Once in power, they push for Social Reform, but will roll back Political Reform to become authoritarian. Fascists disagree with everybody, and will never join a Coalition.
      LIBERAL – Liberals greatly support Political Reform. While not being very keen on Social Reform, if the people ask for it (i.e. high Militancy) they will support Social Reforms. In times of low Militancy, they will join a Coalition with the Anarcho-Liberals.
      ANARCHO-LIBERAL – These people believe the existing Government structure is incompatible with freedom, so they will always seek to overthrow the existing Government. They oppose any Reforms, and will seek to roll them back. In times of low Militancy, they will join a Coalition with the Liberals (funny as it may sound!).
      Each POP type has a preferred Ideology, but these loyalties may shift over time. A single POP will have a variety of Ideologies represented within its Population. The largest percentage of a POP may support one Ideology, but the game is designed so that every POP has some members of each Ideology.
      Labourers and Craftsmen POPs are the most sensitive to conditions of all of the POP
      Types – they have no hard-coded Ideology, and will tend to shift between Issues according to conditions. Thus, they are the “swing voters.”
      POPs and Political Parties have political interests – things they want from the
      Government, or things they want the Government to do. These are called Issues. As
      with Ideology, every POP will have portions which favor one Issue over another. Each
      portion of a POP will support Parties that share their interest in Issues.
      Political Parties will hold the same Issue positions throughout the game – if their views
      change because the times have changed, they may be replaced instead by a different
      Party of the same name but with different Issue positions.
      POPs, on the other hand, shift their Issue positions over time, usually based on changing conditions that affect them. A POP that had been a conservative Craftsman in a Factory might change his Issue positions if he’s Unemployed for a period of time.
      A POP type’s opinion on an Issue within a country changes over time, and the rate and
      effects of this change may differ geographically. There is an overall level for POPs of
      the same type throughout a nation, but there may be additional modifiers at the State
      level, and for each individual POP. You can detect trends over the range of POPs in
      your country, but there’s no way to measure exactly how they’re feeling or what your
      reactions will do.

      POPs will also (sometimes) demand certain Reforms. Consciousness increases the
      likelihood a POP will push for Reform, and if the Government doesn’t respond, its
      Militancy will rise. 
      A POP will push for a specific Reform, not just any Reform. If the Government does not implement the specific Reform asked for, the POP will remain unsatisfied. You can see which Reforms each POP demands using the Population Interface.
      Literacy is a measure of what percentage of a POP can read. This is a factor in earning Research Points and gaining Consciousness.
      Individual POPs have a Literacy rate, not the country as a whole (this is different from the original Victoria), but you can check your national Literacy rate by looking at the
      Technology Tab in the Information Bar. 
      Clergy POPs improve Literacy at a rate related to how well you’ve funded their educational efforts through the Education slider in your Budget. The more funding, and the higher the size of your Clergy POP, the faster the Literacy level of POPs in that province will rise. 
      Literate POPs are more likely to seek Promotion into higher level POPs such as Clergy or Bureaucrats. Higher Literacy means more productivity and more Research Points gained (if the POP produces them).
      The higher your Plurality, the more your Consciousness is increased. Plurality is a shared “memory” of Consciousness. Even if a POP’s Consciousness goes down, Plurality remains where it was.
      Consciousness represents the understanding of a POP of its own needs, and of the
      world outside of their town or workplace. The more a POP is conscious of the world at large, the more ambition he may have, and potentially, the more he’s willing to risk to improve his situation. Consciousness increases the likelihood a POP will push for a certain Reform.
      Consciousness is reduced by enacting the Reforms the POP has demanded. The more Clergy you have active, the more your POPs’ Consciousness level will be
      reduced, because the Clergy form resistance against liberalism and generally in favor of the Government. Events, and the options you choose from certain multi-choice Events, may selectively increase (or reduce) Consciousness for some or all POP Types. Having all of its Luxury
      Goods satisfied will also increase Consciousness, because the POP has more leisure time to contemplate the world. Consciousness increases with Plurality, as well as with Literacy.
      Militancy is a measure of the POP’s anger, or frustration. It is closely linked with the POP’s Consciousness, but is not always the result of that alone. A Militant POP may be ready to revolt, and the Government may need to take action to please the POP – through improving his financial situation, or by enacting Reforms – or else the Government may have to send in the troops. 
      A POP with rising Militancy will probably either Revolt or Emigrate unless steps are taken by the Government to calm them down. This might mean finding them a job, or lowering their Taxes. POPs whose Everyday or Luxury Needs are met will have less Militancy, while if they don’t have Everyday Needs met, they will become more Militant.
      he process of Militancy gain is faster if they lack Life Needs. 
      POPs will lose Militancy in proportion to how much they like the current Government (the Ruling Party). If Government Policy is not to their liking, and their favorite Issues are ignored, they will be Militant, but if the Government is responding to their Issues, they will lose Militancy. A POP which is not from an accepted National Culture will gain Militancy because they feel discriminated against. Militancy will rise if a country loses Great Power status, because the POPs are embarrassed and angry that their country has been so humbled. Conservative POPs have a natural tendency not to become Militant, though they may start to if they become less Conservative. POPs who are very Militant will start to join Rebel Factions, and perhaps even Revolt. This process is discussed in detail in the Revolt & Revolutions chapter.
      Revanchism is a measure of how strongly your POPs demand that you reclaim Provinces your country thinks it rightfully owns. A high Revanchism rating causes bitterness, which means your POPs will tend to be more supportive of Fascism. The only way to reduce Revanchism is to re-take those Provinces where you have Cores.
      War Exhaustion is a measure of how tired the people are of war, and it can seriously
      affect the Militancy and efficiency of your POPs. War Exhaustion increases naturally over time while you’re at war, and is accelerated by losses of territory, losses of units, or Blockades during War.
      When war is first declared, the POPs will adopt an attitude of Jingoism, which reduces the impact of War Exhaustion. However, over time the War Exhaustion will overcome this attitude, and the POPs will start to gradually shift toward Pacifism. That will magnify the effects of War Exhaustion.

  5. Premier independent
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  6. Am scris de-a lungul timpului sute, poate chiar mii, de articole de analiză politică și comentarii ale actualității politice. Din cînd în cînd însă am scris și chestii consistente și inteligente. Dacă useliștii citesc cu pixul în mînă Blogary, m-am gîndit să le ușurez munca.
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        1. Bleen Aha! 
          Intrebare: cum ii putem determina pe D-nii Tomac si Papahagi, de ex., sa devina cititori fideli si atenti?

  7. Din Kamikaze despre capturarea lui Hayssam:
    * Agenții secreți români pătrund în oraș deghizați în staruri rock. Ca să fie credibili, îi salută pe vameșii sirieni cu „Bună seara, Budapest!“
    * Pentru a-i induce în eroare pe eventualii urmăritori, agenții se încalță invers, ca să pară că vin când pleacă și că pleacă când vin.
    * Când trupele speciale ajung în locul unde se afla Hayssam, cel mai experimentat luptător își dă telefonul pe vibrații, să nu se audă „Nebunia lui Salam“ dacă cumva îi dă cineva bip în timpul misiunii.
    * Se pătrunde în incintă. Satelitul indică faptul că Omar Hayssam se află în baie. Agenții vor să intre peste el, dar dinăuntru se aude „Ogubat!“, așa că așteaptă mai bine de o oră lângă ușă. ”

  8. 5 ianuarie 2013

    Pînă ajungem la carnea doctrinară, oportunitățile strategice, provocările operaționale și detaliile tactice, trebuie să spunem că un partid e mai mult decît o companie, un oenge sau expresia instituțională a punerii la comun a mai multor interese. Un partid e club de socializare și e baricadă și sectă, cu steag, arme fumegînde, topos-uri privilegiate, eroi, mituri și simbolistică. Un partid, pentru a se naște cu adevărat, are nevoie de o întreagă coregrafie a mitului, de ritual, de o construcție narativă și vizuală care să-i valideze existența și să-i dea semnificație.
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  9. 19 septembrie 2012De evitat: Discuțiile despre merit Discuțiile despre studii Diferențierile muncitori-leneși, competenți-incompetenți, culți-inculți, asistați-neasistați
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  10. Nu-mi vine să cred că am putut scrie așa ceva în 17 mai 2012.

    USL are majoritatea. Schimbă legea referendumului și stabilește, ca și la suspendarea trecută, că președintele poate fi demis cu majoritatea celor prezenți la vot, nu a celor prezenți pe listele electorale. Apoi îl suspendă. După 30 de zile, așa cum spune legea, se organizează referendum-ul de demitere și Băsescu cel Rău, autorul moral al măsurilor de austeritate, este demis prin vot popular. În cel mult 90 de zile de la demitere, conform Constituției, se organizează alegeri prezidențiale anticipate. E pregătit PDL pentru aceste alegeri? E pregătită dreapta, în general, pentru aceste alegeri? Are candidat?
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  11. Încă un OUCH. 
    6 mai 2012
    PDL, MRU, dreapta trebuie să accepte cu luciditate situația și să pornească la luptă de la realitatea din teren, nu de la iluziile patetice ale unui grup învins, căruia nu i-a mai rămas decît minciuna și visul cu ochii deschiși. Nu va exista nicio alianță cu PNL, USL nu se va rupe (vă dau în scris asta), Băsescu nu va numi premier de la un PDL învins în alegeri. Punct. Și de la capăt. Nu mai sîntem în 2004, nici în 2007 sau 2009. Poporul nu mai e cu Băsescu. Poporul e cu ei de data asta.
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  12. OUCH! Aceste cuvinte ne doare.
    Prima victorie importanta a USL
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  13. Din programul CDR, 1992:
    „Numai persoane de o înaltă ţinută morală şi politică pot asigura o conducere eficace şi să întrunească sprijinul populaţiei.”
     „Rolul statului se va limita la exercitarea funcţiilor sale administrative, diplomatice, militare, de asigurare a asistenţei şi protecţiei sociale. Statul nu trebuie să asigure de la sine şi oricum existenţa cetăţenilor săi. El are datoria să ofere protecţia necesară şi condiţiile ca singuri să-şi făurească o viaţă demnă, pe baza propriei valori şi a muncii desfăşurate.”
    „În prezent se traversează o flagrantă contradicţie între obiectivele protecţiei sociale şi resursele disponibile în acest scop. Un timp disimulată prin măsuri populiste care au afectat în special deficitul bugetar, această contradicţie capătă forme acute.”

      1. CDR a aplicat mai mult de jumatate din program. S-au inchis multe mine si s-au facut reforme economice. Au avut loc lupte cu minerii. In cele din urma, costul politic a fost urias: CDR si principalul partid, PNT, au disparut; la fel si Emil Constantinescu care a imbatranit urat. Daca nu era CDR + partidele din guvernul 1997 – 2000 acum am fi trait la fel de prost ca in Ucraina.

        1. Emil Stoica O spui de parca as fi sustinut altceva; in perioada de care vorbeam, nea nelu era la butoane, nu ei. Atunci au venit cu programul.

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