Am castigat premiul la categoria Justitie si Libertati civile!
Sunt singurul europarlamentar roman care a castigat in seara aceasta si sunt fericita.
Am primit acest premiu pentru activitatea desfasurata in Romania si in Parlamentul Eur
opean, pentru ceea ce am facut in lupta impotriva coruptiei, pentru statul de drept, justitie si libertati civile.La festivitatea de premiere, am dedicat acest premiu cetatenilor romani. Ii asigur pe romani si pe toti cetatenii europeni ca ii voi servi in continuare cu daruire pentru a avea justitie, libertate, siguranta si drepturi civile. Caci acolo unde nu este lege, nu este nimic.
The Parliament Magazine acorda in fiecare an premii europarlamentarilor pe categorii de activitate.
Maine, mai multe detalii despre acest premiu.
Monica Macovei, premiul european pentru Justitie si Libertati civile

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Macovei, scapă-ne de ei!
Sa fie suspendata ! La referendum cu ea !
Oarecum off-topic sau, mai degraba, pe viceversa, mie mi-a placut si stirea asta: „Cu cardiologu’ la DNA” desi, spre dezamagirea mea, se pare ca (sic!) cardiologu’ n-a fost Bradisteanu.
Bravo, sa ne traiasca!
As Romanian minister of justice, Monica Macovei made it her mission to reform the judicial system in Romania.
As a member of parliament’s justice and civil liberties committee she took the opportunity to expand her battle for anti-corruption, for transparency and for civil liberties at EU level. She also goes beyond EU borders trying to ensure the rule of law, justice and civil liberties are respected in other countries and not some distant hope for the future. From 2012 until now, Macovei made six speeches in plenary about human rights violations in countries such as Bahrain and Syria.
In 2011, she made 41 speeches on transparency and anti-corruption in the EU, and also condemned human rights violations and clashes all around the world (Pakistan, Tunisia, Belarus, Egypt, Thailand, Congo, Madagascar, Guantanamo). She also signed the motion for a resolution on the EU’s efforts to combat corruption and co-signed around 40 other join motions in 2011.