Senator Rand Paul gave an interview to National Review about his libertarian approach to Republican policy, with an emphasis on national defense, given his spectacular filibuster of CIA nominee John Brennan over domestic drone strikes. But he also had some interesting comments on the subject of gay marriage, where he said he wanted to “shake up the… Continuă lectura Rand Paul: Get the government out of marriage
Categorie: Preluari
EDITORIAL: Glug, glug, hooray
The regulation that threatened to snuff out Slurpees and Big Gulps in New York City is itself dead, at least for now. A state judge, Milton A. Tingling, praise and honor be on him, ruled that the regulation conceived by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, the galloping vanquisher of trans fats, was “fraught with arbitrary and… Continuă lectura EDITORIAL: Glug, glug, hooray
Untold History of the USSR
The Untold History of the United States, by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick, weighs in at 750 pages, an elephantine encyclopedia of neo-communist demonology. None of it is “untold” and on every page one hears the sound of a barrel being scraped. David Horowitz rightly called it “unbelievable crap,” but some readers might profit from… Continuă lectura Untold History of the USSR
The fall of Kwame Kilpatrick
The former mayor of Detroit, Democrat Kwame Kilpatrick, was convicted on racketeering charges Monday, and could be looking at 20 years in prison. According to NBC News, “prosecutors said he presided over a breathtaking profit machine by rigging contracts and demanding bribes.” Kilpatrick was convicted of at least six other criminal counts and acquitted of… Continuă lectura The fall of Kwame Kilpatrick
Three Grotesque Absurdities of Contemporary Living
Homosexuality cannot be primarily genetic, solar energy is only a dynamo when applied to agriculture, and literacy enriches life only when it slows and deepens thought: these three unimpeachable propositions have all become political heresy in our insane culture. Cogar leat, as they used to say in Ireland: “A whisper with you.” Let’s not speak… Continuă lectura Three Grotesque Absurdities of Contemporary Living
UCL adopts sharia law for public debate, separating women from men
University College London is one of our great seats of learning and foremost among UK centres of research. Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university in England to be established on an entirely secular basis: students were admitted irrespective of their religion, and gender equality was a foundational statute. So it is all the… Continuă lectura UCL adopts sharia law for public debate, separating women from men
Broad, Diverse Defense of Marriage at Supreme Court
Scholars have filed more than 50 amicus briefs with the Supreme Court urging it to uphold California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). While the media seems intent on ignoring these briefs and hyping the briefs on the other side, the sheer number and quality of the briefs in defense of… Continuă lectura Broad, Diverse Defense of Marriage at Supreme Court
CURL: 13 hours that changed the Republican Party
Sometimes, when you least expect it, Washington can be surprising. No, it wasn’t a surprise last week when weather forecasters warned that a mighty blizzard would bury the nation’s capital under a foot of snow, and then rained all day. That’s been going on since the 1970s. And it wasn’t surprising that an egotistical president… Continuă lectura CURL: 13 hours that changed the Republican Party
Noi vrem o competitie corecta
Pe 5 martie 2013, Biroul Permanent Judetean Vrancea, condus de Costica Neata, a dizolvat Biroul Municipal PDL Focsani, dupa ce cu o zi inainte presedintele acestuia, Nicu Tanase, l-a criticat pe Vasile Blaga la prezentarea Motiunii sale. Semnalul pentru toate filialele din tara este urmatorul: cine indrazneste sa-l critice pe Vasile Blaga este destituit sau… Continuă lectura Noi vrem o competitie corecta
Rand Paul Makes Waves
Based on the reactions of John McCain and Lindsay Graham to Rand Paul’s filibuster it is fairly obvious that he is afraid of being upstaged on the national scene and losing his influence in the Party as a result. He is clearly (to use his own terminology) a wacko-bird. Rand Paul’s filibuster performance on March… Continuă lectura Rand Paul Makes Waves