Rezultatele partiale ale evaluarilor Comisiei de etica au fost transmise liderilor ARD

Am trimis astazi catre presa un comunicat in legatura cu activitatea de pana acum a Comisiei de etica a Aliantei Romania Dreapta (ARD): “Comisia de etica a analizat pana acum, pe baza criteriilor de integritate, 476 de candidaturi pentru care a primit documentele solicitate prin scrisoarea transmisa co-presedintilor Aliantei Romania Dreapta (ARD) pe 16 septembrie… Continuă lectura Rezultatele partiale ale evaluarilor Comisiei de etica au fost transmise liderilor ARD

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‘Not Obama’ Wins Again

Campaign Crawlers By Robert Stacy McCain on 10.23.12 @ 6:10AM Romney maintains momentum in the final debate of 2012. Who „won” the debate is a question instantly asked in the aftermath of these televised rituals, but with just two weeks left to go, the real question is, who will win the election? And after Monday night’s meeting in… Continuă lectura ‘Not Obama’ Wins Again

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A New Iron Curtain

The new Iron Curtain may be descending farther to the east than its predecessor, but it is just as surely descending.  And Barack Obama is no Winston Churchill.  This time, instead of catcalls, the leader of the free world is applauding as Russia eradicates American values from his shores. Ariel Cohen of the Heritage Foundation… Continuă lectura A New Iron Curtain

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Romney Passed the Test

Mitt Romney’s aim was to present himself with the demeanor and grasp of foreign and national security issues of a president of the United States. He succeeded. President Obama sought to make Romney appear unqualified to be president and commander in chief. He failed. And that was the story of the third and final presidential… Continuă lectura Romney Passed the Test

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ABC/WaPo poll: Romney pulls nearly even with Obama on handling foreign affairs, terrorism; Update: Obama’s giving up on NC, says Begala

posted at 7:47 pm on October 22, 2012 by Allahpundit I know you’ve got poll fatigue but we’re in a news holding pattern ahead of the debate. This one’s topical, though: Even before the first words are spoken in Florida tonight, Romney’s surged into a near tie with O on the two core components of… Continuă lectura ABC/WaPo poll: Romney pulls nearly even with Obama on handling foreign affairs, terrorism; Update: Obama’s giving up on NC, says Begala

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Scoring points in tonight’s foreign policy debate

Foreign policy has always been a challenge for challengers. They usually start with no record, and polling these issues can be particularly tricky because the public has a significant knowledge gap. When we look at domestic issues like education, health and taxes, there’s a strong likelihood that a voter has an education, goes to the… Continuă lectura Scoring points in tonight’s foreign policy debate

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Is Obama buying the election with his welfare explosion?

With the unprecedented budget explosion of means-tested, welfare-related entitlements, does Team Obama think it can buy the election? It’s a cynical question. But I wouldn’t put it past that cynical bunch. Remember Harry Hopkins, Franklin Roosevelt’s close aid? It was Hopkins who argued tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect. Sound familiar? And… Continuă lectura Is Obama buying the election with his welfare explosion?

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Stalking the Undecided

Until recently I could not understand how anyone could still be undecided about who to vote for on November 6. I check the internet news sites several times a day; I keep up with blogs I trust; and I wear out the numbers on the remote of my favorite news channel. Well, the answer is… Continuă lectura Stalking the Undecided

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