Referenda on changing the legal definition of marriage to include same-sex relationships have become a recurrent feature of our electoral landscape in recent years. Voters have rejected the proposed changes every time, but the margins are narrowing; even conservative voters, particularly those of a libertarian bent, are beginning to conclude that „gay marriage” is not… Continuă lectura Gay Marriage Threatens Our Freedom
Categorie: Preluari
Let Detroit Go Bankrupt? It Already Has
“I’m a son of Detroit,” Mitt Romney confessed during Monday’s presidential debate. “I was born in Detroit. My dad was head of a car company. I like American cars. And I would do nothing to hurt the U.S. auto industry.” But like so many Detroiters, Mitt Romney left before the capital of the U.S. auto… Continuă lectura Let Detroit Go Bankrupt? It Already Has
Romney flips voters, editorial boards with economic message
posted at 5:21 pm on October 26, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham Another Florida newspaper went from an Obama endorsement in ’08 to a Romney endorsement in ’12. I’m skeptical as to how much such endorsements matter, but certainly the ones that are switches from 2008 in swing states are most interesting. Just seeing such… Continuă lectura Romney flips voters, editorial boards with economic message
Why should all citizens be allowed the vote?
So prisoners will not get the vote. David Cameron has pledged against it, in defiance of the European Court of Human Rights ruling, and despite the protestations of Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, who has pointed out that Britain was legally obliged to uphold the European diktat. No: the Prime Minister sets his store by… Continuă lectura Why should all citizens be allowed the vote?
Virginia: Romney 50, Obama 48; Update: New Fox News poll also shows Romney by two
posted at 4:43 pm on October 25, 2012 by Allahpundit Romney could, in theory, replace Virginia’s 13 electoral votes by winning Wisconsin (10) and New Hampshire (4), but Wisconsin and New Hampshire are supposed to be Plan B in case he loses Ohio. If he loses Virginia, then there is no Plan B: Realistically, his… Continuă lectura Virginia: Romney 50, Obama 48; Update: New Fox News poll also shows Romney by two
Magic gone in Ohio?
posted at 1:21 pm on October 25, 2012 by Ed Morrissey In 2008, Barack Obama campaigned like a rock star, especially in places hard hit by the economy, like Ohio – which Obama won by five points in the election, while enjoying a D+8 turnout. Four years later, the rock-star vibe has utterly faded, and… Continuă lectura Magic gone in Ohio?
Comisia de etica a Aliantei Romania Dreapta (ARD) a finalizat verificarea candidatilor. Soarta celor cu aviz negativ este in mana co-presedintilor ARD.
(Bucuresti, 25.10.2012) Comunicat de presa – Cabinet Monica Macovei Comisia de etica a Aliantei Romania Dreapta (ARD) a finalizat verificarea candidatilor. Soarta celor cu aviz negativ este in mana co-presedintilor ARD. 1. Comisia de etica a Aliantei Romania Dreapta (ARD) a finalizat verificarea celor 502 candidaturi transmise pana pe 24 octombrie 2012, care aveau documentele… Continuă lectura Comisia de etica a Aliantei Romania Dreapta (ARD) a finalizat verificarea candidatilor. Soarta celor cu aviz negativ este in mana co-presedintilor ARD.
The recession is over. The Coalition should be pleased, but not too pleased.
So, farewell to the recession of 2011/12. Goodbye. You won’t be missed, except possibly by some of the sillier members of the Labour Party. Growth of 1 per cent in Q3 is a good number, and as long as there’s at least 0.2 per cent growth in Q4, overall growth for 2012 will be positive.… Continuă lectura The recession is over. The Coalition should be pleased, but not too pleased.
USL: mic indreptar geografic
(Micul îndreptar geografic cu privire la ARD se află aici). Acest articol are sens dacă înţelegem care este diferenţa adusă de un candidat care câştigă în colegiul său cu 50%+1 din voturi. Să luăm un judeţ cu 5 colegii, adică în care există 5 curse electorale şi din care s-ar alege teoretic 5 deputaţi. Să… Continuă lectura USL: mic indreptar geografic
Voters Decide on President by Body Language: Romney Won the Presidency Last Night
Words don’t matter as much as body language when voters decide on the man they trust to lead the nation. Despite all the policy debates, all the fact checking, all the pundits, we don’t weigh and balance and research, not most of us. We don’t even use our forebrains. We use the most primitive part… Continuă lectura Voters Decide on President by Body Language: Romney Won the Presidency Last Night