In 1960, Nixon beat Kennedy in California following up on Eisenhower’s decisive wins over Adlai Stevenson. Nixon won California again in 1968, beating out Humphrey, and then McGovern in 1972. Ford held on to California in 1976, Reagan won it decisively in two elections and Bush held on to it against Dukakis. All that ended… Continuă lectura The Left’s Quest for Texas
Categorie: Preluari
Raping the Language
Although the creation of the film Idiocracy evidences how we’re already halfway to an idiocracy – the work reflects decadent modern culture – it’s a good comedic warning about where we’re headed. For those too unsophisticated to imbibe such Hollywood fare, know that the movie presents a dystopian future America dumbed-down to a preposterous degree.… Continuă lectura Raping the Language
Children are having their imaginations destroyed by iPads and video games
Claire Perry, the Prime Minister’s adviser on childhood, has made the headlines by criticising a „treadmill” culture in which parents pressurise children to achieve. In an interview with the Times, she said that “It’s usually the mother that is orchestrating all of that and doing all the driving. We have created rods for our own back.… Continuă lectura Children are having their imaginations destroyed by iPads and video games
Cred ca Ponta, Corlatean si Antonescu ne tradeaza si schimba Directia Vest a Romaniei
UPDATE. Declaratia pe aceasta tema sustinuta la Targoviste. “Se potriveste proverbul: prostul daca nu-i fudul, nu e prost destul”. Multi oameni s-au lasat pacaliti de declaratiile sforaitoare ale lui Ponta, Antonescu si Voiculescu despe cat de grijulii sunt ei cu binele cetatenilor. Nimic mai fals! Avem inca o dovada ca Ponta, Antonescu si Voiculescu nu… Continuă lectura Cred ca Ponta, Corlatean si Antonescu ne tradeaza si schimba Directia Vest a Romaniei
Yogi Berra and Wind Energy
Who doesn’t love wind energy, in theory? The idea of harnessing nature’s gentle zephyrs to replace nasty tankers bringing crude from foreign shores appeals to everyone.* As Yogi Berra said, “In theory there’s no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is.” In other words, sometimes theory has a brutal collision with reality.… Continuă lectura Yogi Berra and Wind Energy
The Low-Information Voter’s Guide to Politics
Are you typically lost when co-workers discuss current events around the water cooler? Do you have trouble figuring out the national debt or who that Ben Ghazi dude is, but you know what’s on Kim Kardashian’s grocery list? If you think you only deserve fun answers to all life’s questions … you’re right! This primer will… Continuă lectura The Low-Information Voter’s Guide to Politics
Dangerous Times: How Euro-socialism Set off a Fascist Bomb
In the terrible economic crisis of 1922 Benito Mussolini got 25% of the vote in Italy. Two years later he had more than a majority. You know the rest. In the economic crisis of 2013, Beppe Grillo received 24% of the vote (see last week’s analysis of Grillo’s political beliefs). This week he blocked a… Continuă lectura Dangerous Times: How Euro-socialism Set off a Fascist Bomb
Fight Club cu finantisti. Adica Ei cu Ei.
Am deschis în 6 august 2008. Am scris acolo pînă în ianuarie 2010, cînd am trecut pe Blogary. De 3 ani blogul este în adormire iar în acest an va ieși din online. Va fi înlocuit pe server de, despre care vom vorbi la momentul potrivit. nu va ieși însă din online… Continuă lectura Fight Club cu finantisti. Adica Ei cu Ei.
Ana are mere, bugetarul are lei
Am deschis în 6 august 2008. Am scris acolo pînă în ianuarie 2010, cînd am trecut pe Blogary. De 3 ani blogul este în adormire iar în acest an va ieși din online. Va fi înlocuit pe server de, despre care vom vorbi la momentul potrivit. nu va ieși însă din online… Continuă lectura Ana are mere, bugetarul are lei
This week’s Brussels lesson for the UK: as Germany goes, so goes Europe
David Cameron and his allies have just agreed a historic cut to the EU’s long-term budget (as I predicted yesterday). But forget the figures and maths for one second – after all the cut to the EU budget is only the equivalent of 0.0003 per cent of EU 2011 GNI – the most interesting part… Continuă lectura This week’s Brussels lesson for the UK: as Germany goes, so goes Europe