When Science Looks Like Religion

The battle for the claim to which tribe is truly “scientific” has again heated up. Fueled by a prickly exchange between Michael Shermer, assuming the liberals-are-anti-science corner in Scientific American, and Mother Jones‘ Chris Mooney, who literally wrote the book on how bad conservatives are at science, writers for different blogs and magazines  put forth their best pitches for their own… Continuă lectura When Science Looks Like Religion

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Filter Bubbles Versus Viral Memes: Why We Have More Common Ground than Ever Before

Since the dawn of the World Wide Web, some have wondered whether the medium might cause us to lose our common ground. There is conceivably enough material out there for every individual on the planet to enshroud himself in his own informational universe, almost entirely divorced from everyone else. But in fact, the opposite is… Continuă lectura Filter Bubbles Versus Viral Memes: Why We Have More Common Ground than Ever Before

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