Is Marriage the Key to Prosperity?

What’s the number one antidote to child poverty in America? Marriage. The truth is that children born to married-parent families are 82 percent less likely to live in poverty. The most effective weapon against child poverty is within our reach. Last week during the second presidential debate, former Governor Mitt Romney encouraged Americans to consider… Continuă lectura Is Marriage the Key to Prosperity?

Din categoria Preluari

10 Things About Obamacare That Just Don’t Make Sense

Obamacare includes many disastrous consequences for America’s health care system. Contributing to the impending mess are these 10 provisions that clearly elude common sense. Expanding a program that one in three doctors won’t accept. Obamacare expands a broken Medicaid program that already faces a severe access problem: One out of three Medicaid doctors will not… Continuă lectura 10 Things About Obamacare That Just Don’t Make Sense

Din categoria Preluari

Report: EPA Delaying Job-Killing Regulations to Aid Obama Re-Election

President Obama is putting off major environmental regulations until after the November elections in order to avoid the political blowback of the economic damage those regulations will cause, according to a new Senate report. Environmental regulators in the Obama administration “don’t want this economic pain to hit American families just before the election because it… Continuă lectura Report: EPA Delaying Job-Killing Regulations to Aid Obama Re-Election

Din categoria Preluari

Obama’s “Reset” with Russia: A Long Retreat

The disgraceful firing of Radio Liberty‘s loyal Moscow staff on September 20 and 21 is the latest chapter in the Obama’s Administration’s Russia policy retreat, also known as the “reset.” Forty-one dedicated and professional reporters with deep knowledge of Russia-and in particular its human rights record-have been given their marching papers by the U.S.government. Allegedly,… Continuă lectura Obama’s “Reset” with Russia: A Long Retreat

Din categoria Preluari

In Case You Missed It: White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya

At last night’s presidential debate, undecided voter Kerry Ladka questioned President Obama about the terrorist attack in Libya and security for Americans in Benghazi. The ensuing exchange resulted in one of the most memorable moments of the evening. With many Americans seeking answers about the killing of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on… Continuă lectura In Case You Missed It: White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya

Din categoria Preluari

Candy Crowley’s Benghazi Lifeline to Obama

In an outrage destined for the history books, the moderator of last night’s hotly contested presidential debate lied about President Obama’s deadly bungling in Libya after Obama overtly asked her on live television to do so. It was truly unprecedented and could only have happened in the Age of Obama. During the town hall-format debate… Continuă lectura Candy Crowley’s Benghazi Lifeline to Obama

Din categoria Preluari

Top 10 Examples of Wasteful Federal Spending in 2012

Exotic dancers, robotic squirrels, and a reality TV show in India-your tax dollars supported all of these this year. Two reports just released-“Federal Spending by the Numbers 2012” by The Heritage Foundation and “Waste Book 2012,” a report by the office of Senator Tom Coburn (R–OK)-shed light on these and other examples of Washington’s irresponsible… Continuă lectura Top 10 Examples of Wasteful Federal Spending in 2012

Din categoria Preluari

Presidential Debate Prep: Schools Should Trim Education Jobs

Calls to spend more on teachers are likely to come up in tonight’s debate. More likely still, we’ll hear accusations that Governor Mitt Romney wants to slash education spending by 20 percent. This figure is a reference to the House of Representatives-approved budget, authored by House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, which aims to trim… Continuă lectura Presidential Debate Prep: Schools Should Trim Education Jobs

Din categoria Preluari

Vanghelie: Oana Mizil va candida la Bucuresti din partea USL

Vicepreşedintele PSD Marian Vanghelie a declarat, marţi, că Oana Mizil va candida într-un colegiu de deputat din Bucureşti, din partea USL. „Va candida la Bucureşti pentru că este parlamentar şi, după cum a declarat preşedintele partidului, toţi parlamentarii îşi păstrează locurile acolo unde sunt. Va candida din partea USL”, a spus Vanghelie despre candidatura Oanei… Continuă lectura Vanghelie: Oana Mizil va candida la Bucuresti din partea USL

Din categoria Stiri

Another Green Failure: A123 Files for Bankruptcy

A123, recipient of a $249 million Department of Energy manufacturing grant, warned of impending debt default and cash problems that forced the company to seek bankruptcy protection. With 14 straight quarterly losses–nearly $83 million in 2nd Quarter 2012 and $125 million in the previous quarter, on top of $258 million in 2011, reported here on… Continuă lectura Another Green Failure: A123 Files for Bankruptcy

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