After 28 years of wedded bliss and 2 kids, I’m guessing I’m probably the Conversation’s resident marriage champ. (It was an arranged Hindu ceremony, I was 3 and she was 2.) And there’s nobody who can better attest to the joys and benefits of a traditional monogamous union. That said, I’m not going to join the… Continuă lectura Same Sex Marriage and Gilligan’s Island Game Theory
Autor: Breitbart
Israeli Civilians Under Fire; Hamas Fakes Casualties on Twitter
by Joel B. Pollak At 11:29 p.m. local time, Hamas tweeted a photograph of a young boy bleeding in his father’s arms, apparently dead. Syrian exile Razzan Saffour, who lives in Britain and sympathizes with the Palestinian cause, responded: She later tweeted an explanatory note to emphasize that she supports Hamas regardless of the fakery: Aside… Continuă lectura Israeli Civilians Under Fire; Hamas Fakes Casualties on Twitter
Final Rasmussen Virginia Poll: Romney Up Two
by Tony Lee 5 Nov 2012, 10:42 AM PDT The poll found Romney leading Obama 50%-48% among likely voters. The GOP presidential candidate leads Obama by 21 points (58%-37%) among Virginia’s unaffiliated – or independent – voters and has the support of 90% of the state’s Republicans. He leads Obama on the economy by six points and… Continuă lectura Final Rasmussen Virginia Poll: Romney Up Two
Rove Predicts Romney Victory, 51-48
by William Bigelow 1 Nov 2012, 12:42 PM PDT Here are Rove’s key points: 1. Of the 31 national surveys in the last week, Romney leads in 19, Obama in 7, and five show a tie. A key fact is that Obama is not over 50% in any poll, while Romney is over that number… Continuă lectura Rove Predicts Romney Victory, 51-48
**GALLUP SHOCK** Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters
by John Nolte 29 Oct 2012, 5:25 PM PDT Just as Gallup did with their bombshell survey showing that 2012 is looking like a year where Republicans will enjoy a record three-point turnout advantage over Democrats (a ten-point shift from 2008), for whatever reason, they buried the lede with this latest bombshell, as well. When… Continuă lectura **GALLUP SHOCK** Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters