What does it really mean to care about someone? Lately, every sort of caring seems to be a variation of self-care. It is against the nature to care about anyone except yourself. It is unwise, it is ridiculous, it is „way off”. To be cared for – well, this is even worse. It is the… Continuă lectura TAKE CARE!
Autor: Adela Toplean
Adela Toplean este doctor în filologie, activează din 2003 în Death Studies cercetând atitudinile contemporane în fața morții, a publicat numeroase studii de sociologia morții în Marea Britanie, Suedia și Germania. A studiat la Universitatea din București, Sorbona (Paris V) și Universitatea din Lund, a fost bursieră a Institutului Suedez și a Colegiului Noua Europă, este membru al Association for the Study of Death and Society. Din 2011 este asistent universitar la Facultatea de Litere a Universității din București.
Against Innocence
The older I get, the more I doubt people’s ability to stay (reasonably) sane. After all, the more we fight for our sanity, the less we deserve it. And thus, from the depths of my insanity, I say this: I don’t believe in innocence! I would rather believe in ignorance, ineptitude and imbecility, but innocence… Continuă lectura Against Innocence
The Good, The Bad and The Girls
There is something incredibly witty about the „good fashion” and something incredibly stupid about the „bad” one. Fashion is either unbelievable or unbearable. Fashion is either an intimidatingly impressive experience or a true emotional ordeal to go through. There is no such thing like „reasonable” fashion. „Reasonable” fashion is not fashion but a minimal condition… Continuă lectura The Good, The Bad and The Girls
You do not fall in love because you managed to see a lovable Someone, you manage to see that Someone because you previously managed to love. Jean Luc Marion wrote in Le Phénomène érotique that your desire wants to want better. So, as it is often the case, your desire falsifies the object of its… Continuă lectura WHAT THEY SEE AND WHAT YOU GET
Today’s politics lost its political prestige and today’s common man lost its human prominence. Together, they make bad democracy. Somehow, everyone feels unfortunate, misrepresented, misunderstood, hurt, inconsolably stuck in a majority or in a minority, a direct target of some hostile policy, victim with no prospects, champion without a win. As a crowd, we have… Continuă lectura Afterthoughts
Oldies, not Goldies
Nothing defines the old age better than ambiguity. We grow old in highly ambiguous ways. This ambiguity is constantly nurtured from three sources: the waste, the chill, and the absence. I’ll approach them one by one. The waste… …is, in every respect, enormous. Illnesses wasting the body; nostalgia wasting the heart; those long, empty hours… Continuă lectura Oldies, not Goldies
Who’s Your Boss?
A spare day that you started the wrong way loses its structure and freedom completely. There is nothing you can do anymore. That day, you were not free, you were slave. That day served you no more, you served it instead: yes Master, and please Master, and right away Master. The only way to deal… Continuă lectura Who’s Your Boss?
There’s nothing sadder than a man without priorities. His life is being lived in his absence. Let me go further into this matter. First of all, a priority is not an ambition. The difference between the two is vast. An ambition is a desire or a weakness, while a priority is a value or a… Continuă lectura THE MAN WITHOUT PRIORITIES
Durerile, Fantomele
Am fost ieri seară la Teatrul de Artă să văd „Dureri Fantomă”, de Vasili Sigarev, ultimul spectacol din stagiunea asta, în regia lui Bogdan Budeș. După primul sfert de ceas, în spațiul acela sufocant de mic, spațiul acela care te obligă să respiri povestea, nu doar s-o vezi, s-o crezi și s-o simți, în spațiul… Continuă lectura Durerile, Fantomele
What Goes Around Comes Around
A couple of weeks ago I bought my first pair of leather pants in 17 years. Behind the curtain in the changing room, I felt strange, almost like I was tricking myself into believing I am not ridiculous. By the time I am 50 I will probably be looking for my very last pair of… Continuă lectura What Goes Around Comes Around