Once they turn 40 people have a tendency to repeat their youth’s mistakes. Between 30 and 40 they tried to do it all right. Sadly, that was neither fun nor functional. Besides, nobody was sufficiently moved or impressed by their endeavour. The situation enraged them. Then it tired them out. It was simply exhausting to… Continuă lectura OK, NOW WHERE’S MY REWARD?


Personal, nu sunt foarte deranjată de înfumurarea unui om inteligent. Am o ciudată indulgență (ca să nu-i spun slăbiciune) pentru mințile sclipitoare. Fără să fie un garant al gândirii robuste, înfumurarea poate fi de înțeles la anumite profile umane cu toleranță scăzută la o realitate inevitabil mediocră. Nu toți deștepții reușesc să se descurce într-o… Continuă lectura Infumurari


I am writing these lines with my very own hand, in my little black notebook. Next to the hand that writes is my laptop. On my – now black – laptop screen I see the white, promising words: „Installing. About 22 minutes remaining.” My laptop is a Macbook that faultlessly updates itself. I trust everything… Continuă lectura DOWNGRADE OR UPGRADE

The New Age

What does old age mean anyway? It looks like it is a vague notion of a confusing something that somehow involves your body, your mind and your ability to even think about death. The older you get, the lesser your chances of proving yourself ready for dying. Does this sound like a major paradox? It… Continuă lectura The New Age


Age beautifully? OK. Sounds nice. But how? You cannot do it unless you start practicing really early. There is no way you can decide in your 50s that it would be so much nicer to age with dignity. When it will actually happen, it will be too late to put the „aesthetics” before the function.… Continuă lectura Know-how


Go out and look at people. Have you noticed their faces? Their September faces? They are glowing, confident, snappy! That extravagant summer tan is slowly fading, leaving all those cappuccino-coloured spots behind – on foreheads, shoulders, necks. The eyes are back in action. There is no more summer lust running down the cheeks like half-melted strawberry ice… Continuă lectura THE BRIGHTEST DEAL

Femme fatale

To advertise yourself as both smart & sexy is not only narcissistic, it is also inefficient and tacky. It makes you look greedy; and ultimately foolish. Also, it is the easiest way to be misunderstood by your awfully heterogeneous „target audience”. By playing both cards at once, you will not only lose both, but you… Continuă lectura Femme fatale

All of us, passers-by

We meet dozens of people every day. Most of them have no particular abilities, no particular hobbies, no particular purposes, no particular ambitions, and no particular appearance. And most of them look sad. Ask them why. You will soon find out where their sadness comes from: they are disappointed for not being able to do… Continuă lectura All of us, passers-by

Come down

The art of lowering your expectations. Nobody tells you there is such a thing. Nobody tells you how to master it. Nobody tells you when is the right time to learn it. And why it is so important. It is all about reaching high. Dream new dreams, try harder until you succeed or drop dead.… Continuă lectura Come down

Grow sane!

There are not that many windmills left in this world and I am tired of fake Don Quixotes. I am tired of those who use insanity as an alibi, as a defense or as a weapon. I am tired of those who sell it as art or as virtue. Taking pleasure in your own insanity… Continuă lectura Grow sane!