The New Age

What does old age mean anyway?

It looks like it is a vague notion of a confusing something that somehow involves your body, your mind and your ability to even think about death. The older you get, the lesser your chances of proving yourself ready for dying.

Does this sound like a major paradox? It is not!

The truth is, the aged ones are fully and anxiously motivated to accomplish something the younger ones simply fail to accomplish: living for today, kindly refusing to think ahead.
Have you ever opened a geriatrics magazine? Even the New Musical Express is more pessimistic!

Old age and health are redefined year after year. A deep and fascinating mentality (and demographic) revolution has started: the old age is not the old age anymore, it is the new age. Aged people make great patients, great consumers of fine hotels, great owners of luxury cars, great seekers of highly comfortable houses, great clients in general, and great hedonists in particular.

Furthermore, they are retired; which means, they have all the time in the world. And all their time is now. A never-ending present.



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De Adela Toplean

Adela Toplean este doctor în filologie, activează din 2003 în Death Studies cercetând atitudinile contemporane în fața morții, a publicat numeroase studii de sociologia morții în Marea Britanie, Suedia și Germania. A studiat la Universitatea din București, Sorbona (Paris V) și Universitatea din Lund, a fost bursieră a Institutului Suedez și a Colegiului Noua Europă, este membru al Association for the Study of Death and Society. Din 2011 este asistent universitar la Facultatea de Litere a Universității din București.

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